Linear recurrence equations in the space of convex polygons with non-intersecting solutions
A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the coefficient matrix of a linear recurrence equation in the space of convex polygons, any two different solutions of which do not intersect, i. e. the values of the solutions for each argument are different
About the Author
A. S. VaidzelevichBelarus
1. Voidelevich A. S. Linear Recurrent Equations in the Space of Convex Compact Sets and the Diameters of Their Solutions Differential Equations, 2023, vol. 59, pp. 1090–1094.
For citations:
Vaidzelevich A.S. Linear recurrence equations in the space of convex polygons with non-intersecting solutions. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Belarus. 2024;32(2):69-72. (In Russ.)