Blow-up in difference schemes that approximate Neumann problems for nonlinear parabolic equations
In this paper, based on the discrete analogue of comparison theorems and Jensen's inequality, blow-up conditions and upper bound of blow-up time of the solution of implicit finite-different problem which approximates Neumann problems for various nonlinear parabolic equations are obtained. Blow-up conditions and upper bound of blow-up time of approximated differential problems are given, which are obtained and based on comparison theorems and Jensen's inequality
About the Author
D. A. SchadinskiiBelarus
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For citations:
Schadinskii D.A. Blow-up in difference schemes that approximate Neumann problems for nonlinear parabolic equations. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Belarus. 2024;32(2):43-55. (In Russ.)